Este era o momento da defesa da minha monografia.
Poderia ser o fim. Poderia ser o momento de dar tudo errado e eu não me formar neste semestre.
Mas porque todo este drama?
Bem.. devido a alguns aspectos da minha vida (os mais próximos sabem quais foram estes aspectos :P) procrastinei um pouco a minha monografia nos últimos meses no Brasil. Foi um trabalho bem legal de ser feito, mas não foi o trabalho mais intenso possível.
E devido a isto (pois, sim, eu poderia ter terminado a monografia em menor tempo e defendido no Brasil) tive que defender minha monografia por skype!
Meu professor orientador, professor Ubaldo (muito obrigada novamente!) adorou a idéia, pois eu seria a primeira acadêmica do curso de direito da UFSC a defender a monografia à distância, e assim foi!
Sabe aqueles momentos da sua vida em que algo pode dar muito certo e tudo correr bem?
Sabe aqueles momentos da sua vida em que aparentemente uma luz baixou no universo e fez com que tudo ocorresse bem? Momento este fez com que a minha internet não caísse, que meu skype funcionasse por mais de uma hora consecutiva, que a minha webcam não falhasse!
Ainda, pra completar a satisfação, a banca me deu 10 na monografia! Muito legal!
Yet, to complete the satisfaction, the evaluators gave me A (the highest great!) Really cool!
Agora, estou um passo mais próxima da liberdade da vida acadêmica, e principalmente, livre de ver algo relacionado a direito por um bom tempo da minha vida (quiçá pela vida inteira! ehheh) (mas Orçamento Participativo é muito legal! E eu trabalharia com isto!)
Novamente, agradecimento gigante ao meu professor visionário!
Do you know those moments on your life that something can go really great and everything runs fine? But also, if anything goes wrong it will ruin a little bit of your life, or at least make your life plans run slower?
This was the moment of the presentation of my final thesis for me.
It could be the end. It could be the moment of everything going to hell and me not graduating in this semester.
But why have I been through all this drama?
Well.. due to some aspects of my life (the closest ones know what were these aspects :P) I've procrastinated a little bit my final thesis in the last months in Brazil. It was a study really nice to be done, but certainly I could have done it much more intensively.
And due to this (because yes, I could have finished my final thesis in a smaller time and presented it in Brazil) I had to present my final thesis through skype!
The professor who was orientating me, Prof. Ubaldo (thanks a lot again!) loved the idea, because I would be the first Law academic student of my university to present the final work by distance, and that is how it happened!
Do you know those moments on your life that something can go really great and everything runs fine? Do you know those moments of your life when apparently the universe sends you some light that makes everything goes perfectly fine? Moment this that made my internet remain stable, that made my skype working for longer than one hour, that made my webcam work for the whole period!
Now, I'm a step further into the freedom of the academic life, and especially!, free of studying something related to law in a big time in my life (hopefully in my whole life! eheheh) (but Participative Budget is really cool! And I could definitively work with this!)
Again, an enormous Thank You for my visionary professor!
This was the moment of the presentation of my final thesis for me.
It could be the end. It could be the moment of everything going to hell and me not graduating in this semester.
But why have I been through all this drama?
Well.. due to some aspects of my life (the closest ones know what were these aspects :P) I've procrastinated a little bit my final thesis in the last months in Brazil. It was a study really nice to be done, but certainly I could have done it much more intensively.
And due to this (because yes, I could have finished my final thesis in a smaller time and presented it in Brazil) I had to present my final thesis through skype!
The professor who was orientating me, Prof. Ubaldo (thanks a lot again!) loved the idea, because I would be the first Law academic student of my university to present the final work by distance, and that is how it happened!
Do you know those moments on your life that something can go really great and everything runs fine? Do you know those moments of your life when apparently the universe sends you some light that makes everything goes perfectly fine? Moment this that made my internet remain stable, that made my skype working for longer than one hour, that made my webcam work for the whole period!
Now, I'm a step further into the freedom of the academic life, and especially!, free of studying something related to law in a big time in my life (hopefully in my whole life! eheheh) (but Participative Budget is really cool! And I could definitively work with this!)
Again, an enormous Thank You for my visionary professor!
Congratulations, Morgana!
Skype's cutting distance!
Mogui, que orgulho!!!
Vai estar nos posters!!
Eu tenho acompanhado os forums de SA e parabens! Voce já chegou mandando bala e com certeza vai botar muuito mais pilha...
Voce vai pro IC???
quero te ver logo!
Aeeeeeeee procrastinadora cronica!!
Parabens e agora sucesso total ai na Africa del Sur!!!
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