Neste final de semana era feriadão aqui na África do Sul. Quinta feira foi dia nacional das mulheres, então emendamos o feriado. Fui viajar com a Julie (menina e Taiwan que mora aqui faz tempo) e com o Cemil (turco que está aqui no país há 5 meses) pra Durban, cidade no litoral da África do Sul, no oceano Índico!
Aproveite as fotos! ;)
In this weekend we had a holiday here in South Africa. Thursday was the national women's day, so we had a prolonged weekend. I, Julie (girl from Taiwan that lives here for a long time) and Cemil (guy from Turkey who's been here for 5 months) went into a trip to Durban. Durban is a city in the South African coast, facing the Indian Ocean!
Enjoy the pictures! ;)
Meu primeiro contato com camelos :P Eles estavam do lado do posto de gasolina :)
My first contact with camels :P They were standing beside the gas station! :)
Aproveite as fotos! ;)
In this weekend we had a holiday here in South Africa. Thursday was the national women's day, so we had a prolonged weekend. I, Julie (girl from Taiwan that lives here for a long time) and Cemil (guy from Turkey who's been here for 5 months) went into a trip to Durban. Durban is a city in the South African coast, facing the Indian Ocean!
Enjoy the pictures! ;)
My first contact with camels :P They were standing beside the gas station! :)
Already in the beach that we spent the holiday. Umdloti. North beach.
Durban ICC (International convention center). The IC 99 was hosted here.. the place is huge!!
A huge quilt made by people from all over the world, praying for peace! Really cool!
U-shaka is one of those places with a lot of stores and restaurants, built specially for tourists! It's beautiful, but really artificial.
I and some statue that people built in the beach sand. ..huge!
Me in the Gateway ... what used to be the largest mall in the south hemisphere. (but I only went there for some drinkings! :D )
My havaianas and the small river in the Japanese Garden.
Julie and I in one of the piers of the Bay of Plenty Piers :) ... North Beach.
Me in one of the piers of the Bay of Plenty Piers :) ... North Beach.
Me in front of Joe Cool's .. according to Cemil, this is a very nice club spread all over the world.. I had never heard about it :P
Me enjoying the double drink time!
Me in the Heritage Market, which instead of having something related to africa's history, it seemed I was in Europe!
Owwww!! Muito bom te ver feliz assim! Que viagem legal! Beijoooooooo
Bonita viaxe, parabéns!
Morgs, belas fotos!
vc ficou lina na foto na mesinha sozinha! ;-)
Pedro S. I.
Muito show as fotos! A gente vai poder ir nesse lugar tb? É mt longe da casa do MC?
Ah, assim q a gente tiver mais noticias sobre a nossa estadia a gente avisa.
Aproveita a experiencia por ai!
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